Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oldies but Goodies!

Pictured are some of my favorite readers that we have used in home schooling. Except for a few, they are the old Ginn readers. One dates back to 1948! But they have become my favorites! As I have watched my four children learn to read using these books, I have come to love them. This year I even found a workbook to go with "The Little White House". It brings back memories of when I was in grade school, working on similar material. Now, I'm not that old, but I do remember using "Dick and Jane"!
It's funny to see how the characters of Tom, Betty, and Susan are always clad in "dress clothes". The times have definitely changed, but these books are classics.
As my youngest works his way through these, it kinda saddens me to think we are done with them. Perhaps, I can pass them on to someone else who will cherish them as I have. Maybe thru Amazon? We'll see.


  1. Hey! I would be interested in purhasing those from you when you are done since I still have 2 more to go w/Grace and Rachel and I am always on the lookout for books if you are interested and don't have anyone else in mind.

  2. Hey, RaRa!
    They are yours..let me know how many, which ones, etc..Julie


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