Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Least Favorite

Yes, it's that time again for us...standardized testing. I dread it more than the kids...well, maybe. Anyway, I learned through the years that it is better for us to test when the weather is bad. I used to wait until the very end of the school year in late May. But, as the weather get nicer here near Cincinnati, we want to be outside more!! The garden starts beckoning well as the nearest fishing hole.

So, it works well for us to test in February or early March. It's my least favorite week of school...but we are always glad to get it behind us.

So, you may wonder, what test do we use, where do we get it from, and all those immportant questions. Well, for the last 6 years or so, I have ordered the California Achievement Test from a wonderful family in North Carolina. I can tell you, in all honesty, I have always been overly satisfied with their services. I always get my tests early, they explain everything step-by-step, and include everything you will need. I highly recommend Thurbers education assessments.

Make sure you check with your state's requirements before administering any tests!


  1. Ok. So I have Faith Coffey on board to help proctor my test for me and I am planning on giving in April so how early should I order and I was wondering I don't see anything(maybe I am missing it) for Faith to have to fill out to proctor or be approved to proctor with Thurbers? I know that with her being a teacher she is approved through the state. And then I am wondering if you know if Faith sends it in or I do? Any help you can give me will be much appreciated as this is my first time to do the standardized testing. I know I send the results to the local school district but I am unsure about who sends it back to Thurbers? Sorry so long. Thanks.

  2. Order the test at least 4 weeks prior to when you would like to administer the test.
    Also, in your case, Faith will administer the test. She will then give it back to you. You will need to keep a copy of the student's answers. Then you mail it back to Thurbers in the envelope they send you. It is all explained at


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